Mk 3 Electronic Decelerometer
The Mk 3 Electronic Decelerometer is a compact instrument for measuring and recording the maximum deceleration possible on a roadway or airport surface.
The Mk 3 is the latest and most sophisticated generation of TES Instruments’ coefficient of friction test devices, originally developed for Transport Canada (TC). The Mk 3 is approved for use in Canada by TC and in the USA by the FAA.
A built-in self test feature guarantees
reliable results and warns the
operator of detected malfunctions.
The unit can also be configured to control the switching of additional vehicle based systems such as ABS during friction testing.
Over 300 TES Electronic Decelerometers
are currently in service in
Canada, the U.S. and Europe.
Measures true vehicle deceleration
Removes peaking due to initial vehicle pitching
Provides a hardcopy printout of up to 99 decelerations, plus calculated averages or thirds
Flags values 10% below average and disregards tests cancelled manually or automatically
Offers selection of operator and runway names through removable keyboard/display
Provides optional automatic transmission to PC at SnowDesk/ATC via TRACR® systems
TES Instruments

TES Instruments
303-1826 Robertson Road
Ottawa, ON
K2H 1B9
Tel: 613-270-9769
Fax: 613-726-0871
Email: tes-support@tradewind.aero
For all after market inquiries please contact the OEM (TES Instruments)
For all sales inquiries please contact our sole distributor Tradewind Scientific at 613-238-1246 or support@tradewind.aero